September 29 to November 19, 2016
Extended until November 26, 2016

Charles-Edouard Jeanneret-Gris (1887-1965), better known by the name Le Corbusier, is displayed at the “Thalberg” Gallery starting at the end of September. A selection of 32 graphic works from a private collection are on view: sketches, drawings, collages, grattages, lithographs and copperplate engravings. In black and white or lightly colored, the artworks offer a twofold approach to Le Corbusier’s pictorial world. The still lives, inhabited by bottles, teapots, lanterns and guitars, are the embodiment of the Purist movement co-founded with Ozenfant, while the depictions of human figures allude to major subjects of European literature: the Greek mythology, Rabelais, Cervantes as well as Alfred Jarry.